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basis of assessment中文是什么意思

用"basis of assessment"造句"basis of assessment"怎么读"basis of assessment" in a sentence


  • 估税标准
  • 课税标准
  • 课税对象
  • 课税根据
  • 课征基准
  • 评税标准;评税根据
  • 摊额基准
  • 摊派标准


  • Brief description of the basis of assessment
  • The second part systematically analyzes the contents and methods of assessment on the basis of assessment standard and significance
  • The basis of assessment includes the expectation and the reliance interest . the expectation interest is of principle and the reliance interest is supplementary . the reliance interest mainly appears in contracts which are profitless and where profits are difficultly ascertained
  • The basis of assessment is stated . you will know at a glance whether the assessment is based on the tax return filed or it is an estimated assessment . for an estimated assessment , made in the absence of a tax return , you are also reminded to file a timely objection against the assessment and submit a tax return
  • The basis of assessment is stated . a taxpayer will know at a glance whether the assessment is based on the tax return filed or whether it is an estimated assessment . for an estimated assessment , made in the absence of a tax return , the taxpayer is also reminded to file a timely objection against the assessment and submit a tax return
  • Therefore , it is essential for me to do furture research , the measure technology about digital viedo is that measure signals have been coded and decoded based on coding and decoding technology . so the image quality of original signals can been assessed on the basis of assessment methods of video qulity through image , wave and data monitors in the output , and it is observed intuitively that different factors affect on the qulity of image
用"basis of assessment"造句  


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